Annual Report April 2020-March 2021

Please find attached a copy of the Annual Report for April 2020 – March 2021 as promised

Please do take time to read the report and praise God for the many blessings we have received throughout what has been a challenging year and pray for wisdom and guidance as we develop our Mission Plan for Greasby Methodist Church 2021-23

Sue Elliott

Hope Journey Cross Factor with Greasby Junior School

Hope Journey Cross Factor with Greasby Junior School

What a joy to be able to share Cross Factor with 64 Year 5 children and 4 staff at Greasby Junior School on Monday 22nd March via Google Meet

Cross Factor aimed to complement the Ecumenical Assemblies Team videoed assembly entitled ‘Easter in a Nutshell’, which highlighted the death and the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.  We looked at the Easter Story using a jig saw puzzle, which puts Jesus at the heart of the cross.  We discussed the Last Supper on Maundy Thursday, The garden of Gethsemane, how Jesus was arrested and taken to the high priests house, before being taken to Pilate who washed his hands of the affair, Good Friday and Easter Sunday, following which children designed a storyboard about what we are really celebrating at Easter.  This work is currently displayed in the foyer at church

We also looked at some crosses from around the world (Roman, Crucifix, Palm, Celtic, Salvadorian) and why we share Palm crosses on Palm Sunday.  Some children designed their own cross depicting scenes of the resurrection of Christ.  This wonderful work is also on display at church.

Significance of the Palm Cross

We were able to share 3 gifts from Greasby Methodist Church

  1. The Journey through Holy Week as a take home leaflet so that the children could colour the images whilst they shared the story with families
  2. All about Easter – a Resurrection Rhyme, published by the Bible Society this month.  This included a special Easter blessing from us all at Greasby Methodist Church
  3. A Palm Cross – with an explanation of the significance of these crosses for Christians
Resurrection Rhyme (Bible Society)

The next Cross Factor for Year 5 children at Brookdale Primary will take place on Wednesday 14th April. 

Whilst we remain grateful for the technology which has facilitated our Hope Journeys this year, we do look forward to when we are able to welcome the children into our church again for more interactive learning sessions.

 Sue Elliott

Hope Journey co-ordinator