Hope Journey Sharing Parables




It was a joy to visit Greasby Infant School on Thursday 16th June to deliver Sharing Parables to 60 children and 6 staff from F2 (4-5 year olds).  Following our welcome and introduction we re-told the story of The Good Samaritan.  We explained a parable is a story Jesus told to explain his teaching to us.  We talked about feelings and how the various characters felt at different times in the story and how the children would feel in in the same situation.  The children made paper plate faces – a smiling face on one side and a sad face on the other – and used the paper plate faces to retell the story to us

We enjoyed making our peg puppets

The puppets shared a modern-day version of the story.  Sadly Sam had no friends and no-one would play with him in the playground.  The other boys were too busy playing football and one of them even took Sam’s football and pushed him over.  He cried and was feeling very lonely.  That was until one of the Year 2 girls saw he was upset, called for a first aider, helped Sam inside and took care of him.  We talked about how we can be a ‘Good Samaritan’ in school and at home.  The children made peg puppets to take home to use to retell the story to their families

We presented a monologue – the story from the injured persons point of view.  The children made scoobies with different shaped beads

  • Square = someone we rely on, and who supports us
  • Round = somebody it is good to be around
  • Heart = somebody who takes care of us
  • Star = a superstar in our life

We all enjoyed learning about how God loves us and takes care of us.  We can trust Him to be our superstar and our very special friend forever. 

Sue Elliott

Hope Journey co-ordinator