Sunday Service 7th July

Opening Prayers
Pause for a moment, take a deep breath, take another deep breath, and be still (if possible,
hold the stillness for a couple of minutes).
Creator God, I come in a space of worship to give you thanks.
I bring thanks for new days, fresh starts and opportunities,
For this world you have created for us.
Thank you for your love, for your presence in my life.
Forgiving God, I am sorry my life can seem like a whirlwind, worshiping at the notion of
busyness, not taking time to stop and appreciate your world, and the relationships that are
all around me.
Show me how to love,
Show me how to follow you,
Show me how to be your disciple, this and every day. Amen.

You may now wish to say the Lord’s Prayer in a version or translation with which you
are familiar.

Reading: Mark 6:1-13

Responding to the reading
When you read the Gospel of Mark, you meet Jesus beginning his public ministry. From his
baptism to facing temptations in the wilderness, and calling his first disciples, these stories
lay a foundation of humility and service. Jesus didn’t start his work in grandeur but in the
simplicity and struggles of human life.
Perhaps you know the feeling of not being ready or equipped for a task or calling. The fear,
the uncertainty, the sense of inadequacy… Perhaps you can relate!
But, despite his uncertainty, despite the rejection, Jesus begins his ministry – refusing to be
defined by being ‘the carpenter’ that people knew. He doesn’t fit in the box people try to put
him in. And why is this? Because divine strength doesn’t look like human strength. It’s not
about overpowering or overwhelming; it’s about surrendering and finding God’s presence in
our most vulnerable moments.
If your weaknesses were suddenly transformed into strengths, how would that change your
approach to challenges, relationships, or ministry? Reflect on this, and write down your
thoughts, if you’d like.
As you reflect on these scriptures today, may you embrace your full humanity – your
strengths and your weaknesses. Our human vulnerabilities aren’t just obstacles; they are
the very places where God’s grace can most profoundly work.
As you journey through this week, consider how you might be able to use your weaknesses
for the greater good, and how you might lean more on your strengths – so you spend more
time doing what you do best.
And may you go in the grace of God, Amen.

Responding in prayer
God of all grace,
Hear my prayer today. Hear my prayer for freedom and peace.
Lord, you hear the cries that must be made in silence,
Those who live in fear of an abuser,
Those who are persecuted for their faith,
Those who are lonely or isolated.
Oh Lord, hear my prayer today. Hear my prayer for freedom and peace.
Lord, you hear the cries of those living in the midst of conflict
Those trying to protect their children in war-torn nations
Those whose domestic situation is marred by constant tension and fear
Those who work or live in hostile environments.
Oh Lord, hear my prayer today. Hear my prayer for freedom and peace.
Lord, you hear the cries of the hungry and thirsty,
Those families who have to make the choice between heating the house and cooking a hot
Those experiencing the worst effects of the climate crisis, and facing drought or crop
Oh Lord, hear my prayer today. Hear my prayer for freedom and peace.
Help me to share a little of your love at the times when it’s hard to feel your presence
In Jesus name, we pray, Amen.

Responding in music
156 STF – From the breaking of the dawn – YouTube

Jesus the Christ is restoring the whole of creation,
Holding all things together.
Today, as you rise from this place, may you hear the invitation to play your part in that
And may the peace of God go with you, every single step of the way. Amen.